What’s it All About

Life. What’s it all about?
Love. Connection with God and others.
Where can we find it?
Within ourselves, in others, through acts of kindness, relationships, acts of service, etc.

Can it be achieved in sports as an athlete? As an artist? An Educator? In the military?

I believe we all have unique gifts and abilities.  I also believe our lives are made of many areas (acording to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, there are 10 Principles of life). It seems as though the challenge is keeping the 10 principles in balance (or check). If we focus too much in one area, another may be lacking.

I don’t think education, art, sports or the military has the answer. The answer lies within and from a much bigger source. 

I believe that we can choose,  however to take that amazing love, connection and purpose into industries such as sports,  art, education and the military if we are so brave to choose to do so.

Love and peace.  May you find your purpose and path and prosper with purpose 🙂